I understand that in certain situations and stories it isn't necessary or polite to expose the truth (like when Lavender Magazine outed the anti-gay pastor as being gay) but for the most part, I think if it will help instead of hurt or harm the people, the truth should be told.
In class we discussed how journalism's first obligation is to the truth. I think that sometimes journalists might forget that. Especially when getting caught up in a story that would be just a little bit better if certain facts were tweaked and a few quotes rearranged. I am grateful for the Liberal Model used in the United States when it comes to how we get our news. Hopefully we can continue trusting our journalists to give us the pure truth without being influenced by bribes or political parties for their own benefit.
I just hope that as we progress with our careers and lives that we remember to be honest and truthful with our writings and actions. I hope that we can remember that even though it might be hard to swallow, the truth is still the truth, and it's what the people need to hear.
Isn't truth subjective, though, according to our own prejudices and interpretations? Whose truth are you seeking?, yours, the person being interviewed, the public's or a particular faction of readership that you wish to influence? Truth is tainted through our own eyes and experiences. So, what is truth?